Patterns Gallery Patterns Gallery Cross-Stitched DOUBLE-FEATHER-CLAMSHELL LEMON-PEEL Ringlet cupid Key Largo BREAD-BASKET Daisy Doodles Vivaldi Feathers Wave on Wave Climbing Hearts Taj Mahal MINT-JULEP-PETITE Featherlicious Lorien’s Claw EUPHORIA Amadeus FILIGREE HONEYCOMB MODERN-MEANDER CYPRESS COQUINA MERRIMENT MALACHITE LORIENS-APHRODITE CABBAGE-ROSE CELTIC-CURLZ POPPY-FEATHERS BREEZY-LEAVES WINTERFEST DAISIES-AND-DOTS Fantasia Rebekahs Rose Atlantic Melange Breeze Day Tripper Bollywood Criss Cross Stars Field of Dreams Graffitti Love Champagne Bubbles Linda’sDaisy Maggies Rose New Delhi RockPebble Soda Pop Sugar Plum Razor Chantilly Patina Love -Knot Hieroglyphs Fern Fall Foliage Rose Bud Seaglass bossa-nova Thistle Caliente Snowflake Meander Starlets Stardust Daydream Knit 1 Purl 2 Arctic Sea Loopy Hearts Nylon Easy Orange Peel (New) Birchwood Peak Crowns and Diamonds (New) High Tea Daves Dinosaurs SEW-WHAT Brass Tax Domestic Waves Lovely Loops Loopy Loops Flower Vase Boujee